Apron Strings

Hi there and thanks for visiting me today. I’ve been super busy finishing up some courses, sewing my little heart out, treasure hunting and finding my groove.  Here’s an apron I worked on over the weekend. I belong to some awesome Facebook Groups that are filled with some oh so very talented ladies.  They all […]

Whole Feeling Happiness

What is Whole Feeling Happiness you may ask? I’ll do my best to explain. You know the kind of whole feeling when you’ve done something that really and truly fed your soul?  The kind of feeling like when you’re wearing a soft fleece hoodie, hanging out in your flannel jammies and sipping hot chocolate with […]

Opening my heartspace

Today is the day; it’s a bright new day. A time for growth, courage and vulnerability.  For years I have enjoyed colorful paint jars and tubes, owning every piece of clothing with a splatter of paint, canvases half done, Mod Podge on my fingers at dinnertime and a studio filled with paint brushes, stamps, paper, […]