Gratitude and Vulnerability

You made it!  I’m so happy that you are able to spend a little time with me.

This post is part of my sister Flying Lessons Blog Circle.  This month we are all celebrating gratitude and how fitting with Thanksgiving upon us.

During the month of November I have been posting on my Facebook page what I am grateful for and/or who I want to celebrate each day.  When I first began my daily celebrations, I created a very long list of potential topics and I was excited to share.

Gratitude Journal

But,  as the days passed by, some of my posts were difficult to actually put into words and wondered why I was sharing at all.  I was sharing from my heart and putting my thoughts out there for the whole world to see.  I was living in those moments.  Not putting on airs for anyone but simply being me.   Then came a couple of not so nice comments of why I would only be grateful during the month of November and I questioned why I had committed myself to the entire month of this sort of vulnerability.  But I continued to put my heart out there and the love filled comments way outweighed the small number of negative comments..  I had even inspired others to share what they were grateful for.

Gratitude Journal

While doing this, I have realized, it was not necessarily for my family and friends to read and see, but more for me to announce to the world that I am filled with gratitude for so much in my life.  Even the small things that may go unnoticed to some.  And yes, I am so very thankful each and every day of my life for all of them.

And so I have decided to create myself a Gratitude Journal.  It will be jam packed with all that I am thankful for.  My journal will not be for the world to see, but for my heart to be open and feel the gratitude that surrounds me each and every day.

Gratitude Journal

Today, I celebrate YOU and am oh so very grateful that you took the time to sit and read these loving words from my heart.

To continue the celebration of gratitude, please visit Vickie Martin’s blog HERE.

14 thoughts on “Gratitude and Vulnerability

  1. Shelle – I just entered your blog into the draft post for the GYB party — but I do not see a Follower gadget on your sidebar. You WILL need to add that to your blog or there will not be a way for people to sign up to follow you — except by email of course.


  2. Shelle, your words and journal are beautiful!!! Thank you for being truly “you” and “vulnerable”… it’s refreshing and wonderful. I wish you the very best this next year and can’t wait to see what’s next. xoxo

  3. Yes! I love gratitude journals! It’s a wonderful way to really feel all the abundance in your life. I’ve enjoyed reading all of your November thanks status updates. Keep sharing the gratitude!

  4. What a beautiful journal Michelle. Sharing your gratitude with the world on a daily basis was a very brave and inspiring thing to commit to, and I hear you about the vulnerability and the nasty comments. This feels so unfair, and however much you want to protect yourself against that sort of things, it still hurts. I’m really trying to practice gratitude for the negative things too, because they too make us grow, and evolve, and take new steps on our journey. Big wholehearted hug to you. xo Laly

  5. I love your gratitude journal. Kudos to you for putting yourself out there and continuing to do so amongst the cries from the peanut gallery. So much judgment in this world and so many lessons on compassion and empathy yet to be learned.

  6. I think the journal is beautiful. People on facebook can hide behind a teeny tiny pic and be so mean and cruel. It never ceases to amaze me some of the things I see people post. I’m sorry you had to deal with that when you were being so open and honest. I enjoy getting to know people better and wish we lived closer because I think you would be a good friend to have 🙂

  7. You are an amazing woman and have come through so much. You know I love you from the bottom of my soul and am so proud of you. Love the way you put things in perspective and am Thankful for you in my life. Huggles & Blessings

  8. Great post! You’ve encouraged me to let the small thinkers go. I tend to give small minded people far more respect than they deserve. I’m sorry you’ve received comments like that. I LOVE your work! I’ve been following you on facebook but didn’t know you had a blog. Ha! And here you are. 🙂 Your journal is exquisite. It’s the perfect beautiful place to stow treasures from your beautiful, thankful heart. ❤

  9. I’ve loved following your month of gratitude. It struck me as a good personal challenge to commit to and it allowed me to get to know YOU. And of course with all the positive Kudos you received about your lovely handmade journal, well , need I say more ? You were rewarded with your bravery.XX

    • Thanks Sandy for reading my posts and your sweet comment about my journal. It really has been a month filled with bravery and oh so very eye opening. So happy you are part of my circle of friends.

  10. What a beautiful journal you have made…I have been keeping up with your progress on it on Facebook. Praying for those sad ones who would leave ugly comments…they just need more Jesus. Hope your day is amazingly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving dearie!

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